There are a lot of steps for the reduction of discomfort after a tooth removal. Dental extractions are generally ending up with "do not eat for 2 more hours." They were saying this when they made operations on a tooth without removing it. That cliché is standing still in the world of busy dentists. That suggestion is no longer valid. That was not a good way of treatment at all. We do not know the reason of it but we generally do not ask our dentist about what to do after removal. They would give us many ideas but they are not asked enough. Followings steps are prepared as tips for those who have just experienced a removal and looking for a fast recovery from tooth extraction.
There will be bleeding about around 24 hours after removal. That is very normal and you do not need to panic. That is a huge hole for your teeth path. You can buff that place with special materials that are given by dentists. If you do not have those, you may look for cotton buffer. Buffing the place is very important for a faster recovery from tooth extraction.
You have to keep the clot undisturbed for twenty four hours after extraction to provide a good recovery from tooth extraction. I had no idea about the importance of this and I threw it away. It ended up with greater pain. Do not disturb that place with water. Do not go washing your mouth every ten minutes. You have to resist that smell and taste of iron until blood coagulates.
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